What is The Masterson Plan?

The Masterson Plan is a collection of educational coaching programs and challenges designed to help you meet your health goals once and for all. I teach you how to eat real food and break up with the backstabber foods. I guide you to identify your unique roadblocks, call out your inner saboteur and start naming what it is you really need, cuz trust me it was never a cookie. Adulting would be so much easier if it was just cookies we needed instead of self care. There is no one way of eating or exercising that works for everyone; if there was we would all be doing it. I help you identify what works for you based on your likes, your time, health conditions and other needs. In short, I help you become the healthiest and most vibrant version of yourself. Many of my clients feel and look younger when they break up with the backstabber foods and bring in the healthy swaps and nutrient dense whole foods.

I guide my clients to connect to themselves, their emotional needs that may have been previously unmet and how they are “using” food. We also connect the dots on how the food they are eating is affecting their bodies, energy and mood.

Here is what I don’t do: I don’t provide my clients with anything they can get for free on google. You don’t need to pay me to find you recipes; you pay me to help you find the keys to your locks as well as to educate you on the science of food and your body. Google can’t tell you why you use food to numb out or treat anxiety or why you just can’t seem to let go of sugar but in our work together we just may crack that case. I don’t offer diets and food plans. Diets and food plans are temporary solutions with temporary results. I teach lifestyle changes that actually create long-term health benefits. (UNLESS, you are going to the Oscars or your Ex’s wedding, in which case I will put you on a full blown Hollywood weight loss plan.)

Side effects of The Masterson Plan include but not limited to: weight loss, glowing skin, increased energy, no more afternoon fatigue, increased libido, confidence, falling back in love with life, bye bye bloat and to hell with you sugar cravings.



  Who Needs The Masterson Plan?

Adult humans who want to get healthy and are sick and tired of not feeling fabulous.

I am extremely passionate about is teaching people how to break up with the backstabber foods and using #healthyswaps to take care of cravings and favorites. Think about it, we eat 3x a times a day (at least) but most don’t understand how food affects their bodies. I love to help people change their relationship with the backstabber foods from help me category to treat category. Those of you who have received a recent diagnosis such as Parasites, Thyroid disorder, Pre-Diabetes, PCOS, High Cholesterol, Peri-Menopause or an Auto-Immune disorder greatly benefit from tweaking your diet to reduce the symptoms of your health challenge. My passion for health is not limited to age or gender, however my program is exclusively for adults, not children. Trust me, your kids don’t need to hear me say, fuck sugar!

I don’t fix anyone, I don’t cure, I don’t diagnose, but I do support you in fixing yourself. I stand on the sidelines giving you the plays and the drills both physically and emotionally to get you feeling like the best version of yourself.

Coach G’s agenda in the 21 and 10 day Challenges as well as the 1 on 1 work is to show you how to get gorgeous and feel amazing. By the time your Masterson Plan comes to a close, you will have confidence, knowledge and the self care skills that will maximize your health. I educate you, I empower you, I call you out on your BS and I try to make it as easy and fun as possible.

Head over the menu to read more about the 21 and 10 day challenges and how you can work with me 1 on 1 with a Masterson Mini or The Grey Area Program.