helathy recipe

Galadriel's Signature Smoothie

I drink this smoothie daily as it gives me major energy. My mouth thinks its a milk shake but my body thinks it's a salad. It fills me up for hours and hours and is a great post work out refuel. My signature smoothie is the perfect combo of protein and good fat. The protein and good fat combo is your best friend because it keeps your blood sugar stable. When your blood sugar is kept stable you don't crash, cravings don't overcome you and you don't gain weight. I love this smoothie so much I even pack a magic bullet blender in my suitcase so I can make it when I travel.

In a vitamix or magic bullet or blender:

serves two

2.5 frozen bananas

3 tablespoons of raw cacao

1 tablespoon of milk thistle powder

1 tablespoon of spirulina or cholrella powder

1-2 tablespoon of nutbutter (almond or sunflower seed is best)

1 huge handful of raw organic spinach

Fill half way to 3/4 full with nut milk or water or what I love is a half nutmilk, half water combo.

You can add 10g of protein to the smoothie with 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds blended in


Bananas are great post work out food cuz they are full of potassium which replenishes your electrolytes...this is also why they are great hangover cure, not that any of you ever consume adult beverages. They are also high in fiber. Make sure they are brown spotted before you peel and freeze in a gallon size zip lock bag.

Raw Cacao powder is chocolate before it got processed and is a major superfood.  It kill your sugar cravings, has more iron than any other plant, more calcium than milk, is an anti depressant and is full of magnesium which will relax overworked muscles and help you poop on the regular. I like the brand Navitas Naturals, I get mine on Amazon.

Milk Thistle Powder helps replenish and rejuvenate your liver. Your liver has to process every toxin in your world from pesticides to medications to the chemicals in your shampoo to your negative emotions and it burns your fat. That liver never gets a break so keeping it uber healthy is to your benefit in the energy, great skin and weight departments. I like the brand StarWest Organics. I get mine on Amazon.

Spirulina or Chlorella Powder are also super foods cuz they contain more protein than steak are full of iron and lots of vitamins and amino acids and are totally detoxifying to your body! Ps the raw cacao and nutbutter will mask the distinctive not so gorgeous flavor of the spriulina or chlorellaI like the brand StarWest Organics, I get mine on Amazon.

NutButter. When you buy nutbutter be sure to read the ingredients and make sure that whore sugar isn't in there and that they didn't add some weird oil. I love an almond butter or sunflower seed butter. I don't advocate for peanut butter as it naturally contains a toxin called aflatoxin that is uber hard on your liver and is cancer causing. I myself only eat it a few times a year. Nutbutter is both protein and good fat! Trader Joes always has a reasonable priced raw almond butter!

Spinach and all green leafy veggies are like money in a high interest savings account. You really cannot do anything better for your health other than loading up every meal with green leafy veggies. Spinach is nutrient dense, fights cancer and is detoxifying to your body...no fat, no cholesterol just vitamins. Use organic cuz your body can't deal with pesticides!

Nut Milk is yet another awesome source of protein and good fat. I like to make my own cuz the boxed ones contain all kinds of hydrogenated oils and carrageenan which can be hell on your stomach. I use the boxed once in a blue but not on a regular basis.